The Timelessness of Space

Outlaw Star Ending

“Stars, Moons & the City”
by Hicaru Tanaka, 1998

Do you know this feeling?

There is something about space, the vastness of the universe and time so long it boggles your mind. Something that makes you forget the here and now, that makes you get lost in a reverie of distant stars and an unknown future. There are some memories I have of this sense of timelessness, not many, just a few, but they are very precious to me.

One is a Belgian comic series called Yoko Tsuno that I read, no, absorbed in a library when I was a kid. It’s about a female electrical engineer of Japanese origin that takes place in familiar but highly technological settings on Earth in the future and even some 2,500,000 light years away in outer space.

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Aren’t they amazing, our hands?

They can play instruments, draw, sculpt, build, caress and even communicate via sign language. Some of what you can do with hands is so simple and yet so universal at the same time, it’s just beautiful.

Some creative minds came up with really amazing examples of using hands in different, unique ways that you may find inspiring and probably surprising.

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